Remote Work

As we work through the challenge of social distancing and find the need to work from a remote location (home), here are a few guidelines to provide a better experience:


  1. Answer your office phone remotely.  Utilize CIT’s My Extension Everywhere service.  This service allows you to automatically forward your office calls to any other 10-digit phone number.  CIT has waived the installation and monthly fees for the remainder of the semester.  To sign up for the service, submit a phone/network ticket at under the "Phone Network Service Request" section at the bottom of the page.
    To learn more about the My Extension Everywhere service:  go to:
  2. All SSIT-supported computer devices have the Cornell VPN installed. The Cornell VPN allows a secure connection to Cornell’s network.  For information on using the Cornell VPN, go to:
    • Note: If your department utilizes its own departmental VPN Group, please use this for USERNAME:   “NETID@DEPT-GROUP-NAME. (Example: ssh6@SCL-VPN-DEPT)  For connection setup information, see
  3. Utilize Zoom for remote meetings and collaborations.  Zoom provides audio/video conferencing with screen-sharing ant text chat features.  Information for Zoom can be found at
  4. Please make sure that you have created a 2-factor authentication method for DUO that is NOT just your office phone.  Please consider using your cellphone AND your home phone for 2-factor authentication.  To manage your Two-Step login devices:
    1. From your web browser, go to:
    2. Click on the “Manage, YOUR TWO-STEP LOGIN DEVICES”, button
    3. Click on the “Manage Devices” button
    4. After authenticating with DUO, click on the “Add another device” link
    5. Select the type of device you are adding
    6. Enter the 10-digit phone number
  5. Utilize Teams for Business for instant messaging.   In order for Teams for Business to automatically launch at start-up after the first log-in, Please manually start Teams For Business on the initial startup of your computer and login to Teams for Business.  In settings / General / Check the Auto - start application  After each subsequent restart, Teams For Business will be automatically launched.  Information regarding using Teams for Business can be found at
  6. Our Desktop Support team will be able to remotely connect to your computer at your remote location.  We encourage you to continue to request support by entering a Help Request Ticket at:
    1. How to contact us
      1. Non-Urgent Issues:  -go to
        1. Click "Submit Ticket"
        2. Click on type of support you need (page has explanations for the types)
      2. Urgent Issues-call 607-255-2500
        1. Normal Hours -8am-5pm, Mon-Fri
        2. Expectations:-
          1. If this is an urgent issue, the SSIT Staff member will work to help resolve the problem on the phone or let you know that they need further assistance from another SSIT Staff member.
          2. If this is a non-urgent issue, the SSIT Staff member will help if possible, or direct you to enter a ticket if they are offsite or tending to an urgent issue and must prioritize that issue
      3. Emergency Issues for critical systems-call 607-255-8017 or 607-255-2500
        1. After Hours – means outside of 8am-5pm Mon-Fri, including weekends
        2. Expectations:
          1. Leave a message if no one answers the cell phone
          2. The SSIT Staff member on call should return your call within 10 minutes -if they don’t, call back again. -If the need for onsite support is determined, response time to get on campus will be 1 hour.
        3. NOTE: If you call 607-255-2500 after hours, you will be directed to call the 607-255-8017 number.
  7. Please familiarize yourself with “Security Practices When Working from Home” at
  8. Sharing files and documents can be achieved using collaboration tools such as:
    1. Box.  Information for Box can be found at
    2. Microsoft OneDrive for Business. Information for OneDrive can be found at
    3. Secure File Transfer – method for securely transferring files.  Information on the Secure File Transfer service can be found at:
  9. In the event that a staff member needs to take home a desktop computer, monitor(s) or printer please send Martin Moravek (mm129) an email letting him know the name of the staff member and what devices are being taken home.  SSIT is responsible for all computer inventory and we need to be aware of devices that are leaving campus. 


Please realize that we are experiencing a very dynamic environment whereby things may change quickly.  SSIT will do our utmost best to continue to provide our services to you.  Please be patient and flexible as we work through this together as a team.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require assistance.

Also, if you are working with students, CIT has waived student NUBB (Network Usage Based Billing) charges for end of the semester.